Lesson 17- 7,8 Dihydroxyflavone Activates Neurogenesis in People with Down Syndrome by Gabi Giacomin

By Gabi Giacomin, Dr. of Naturopathic Medicine, Member Trisomy21 Research Foundation, SAC

What is 7,8 dihydroxyflavone?

7,8 DHF is a plant derived flavonoid found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. It is well established that flavonoids exert health benefits due to their antioxidant capacity. Recent evidence suggests they have the potential to improve memory by protecting brain cells (neurons), enhancing their function and stimulating brain cell regeneration. They also have a positive influence on LTP (long term potentiation) – one of the major pathways associated with learning, memory and cognitive performance.1

Using cell-based screening (looking at how cells respond to various substances), 7,8 DHF specifically bound to the TrkB receptor acting as an agonist, activating BDNF to enhance learning and memory and reduce stress and depression. 5